On this page you can find the release notes for the FSA API describing the change, improvements and new features of the
FSA. Please read them frequently to stay up to date with the latest changes and to adjust your code if needed because
it is your sole responsibility to keep your code working correctly with our API. We will always inform you here long
time ahead of upcoming changes and deprecations.
Deprecated parameters, results and endpoints will be marked with a deprecation message in the JSON results first and
later with a date of removal once know. This usually will happen with the next major version release. Until the features
are removed you can still use them and have time to adjust your code before the removal date. We will restrict support
for deprecated features but help you with their migration if needed.
Release Notes
Version 1.x
Change Type
JSON results will contain deprecation-message
New endpoint to get many/all contacts including archived
New endpoint to get all contacts from several places in 1 go
Brotli Compression
Brotli added to the API Server to make JSON results smaller
Deprecation-Message Result Parameter 😎
NEW In the JSON results you will get a new parameter called deprecation-message which will contain a
message if the endpoint is deprecated. And may contain the date of final removal as well. Please always do check those
messages and read the ReleaseNotes here so you are prepared to adjust your code if needed. It is in your sole
responsibility to keep your code up to date and to check the deprecation messages.
{"code":200,"data":{"contacts":[{...}],"totalRecords":2,"totalPages":1,"pageNo":1,"pageLimit":10},"success":true,"deprecation-message":"This endpoint will be removed on 2025-12-24"}
New Contacts Endpoint To Get All Contacts 😎
NEW We added a new endpoint to get all contacts including archived (all), former members (all) and
fedmembership withdrawals (federations only). This will make it much easier for customers needing all or a big part of
their organisation’s contacts. You can use 1 status parameter per call but can ask for several memberships at once.
At the same time we have increased the max page size/limit to 500 records per page. This will make it faster and easier
to get a large amount of contacts for big organisations. This call is restricted to be executed only once every calendar
day. Please see the examples below.
/fsa/v1.1/contact/{oid}/contacts Get all contacts (active, archived, former members and fedmembership withdrawals)
New Extended Contacts Endpoint To Get All Contacts 😎
NEW We added another new endpoint to get all contacts, but without filter parameters, including archived
(all), former members (all) and fedmembership withdrawals (federations only). This will make it much easier and faster
for customers needing all of their organisation’s contacts. Especially if your organisation or federation has a big
amount of contacts, this will speed up the download time (but it can still take long). Also here we have increased the
max page size to 500 records per page. This call is restricted to be executed only once every calendar day.
Please see the examples below.
/fsa/v1.1/contact/{oid}/contacts/extended?pageNo=1&pageLimit=100 Set the limit to 100 contacts per page
/fsa/v1.1/contact/{oid}/contacts/extended?pageNo=1&pageLimit=500 Set the limit to 500 contacts per page